
~*~ I believe in fairies ~*~
(Version française ICI)


You can do pretty much what you like with your result: create signatures with name added, extras or stats, websets. Give all the credits that are required and for the tut to:
Martine (link to http://chezmartine.com) for PSP 4 ALL (link to http://psp4all.com).

This pointing hand is here to help you. You can drag and drop it and use it as a marker to help with following the tutorial.

Tubes of your choice, free or not, but credit for them must be added to your tag. I used tubes ©Veronica Nuñez - veikart.blogspot.com, bought at www.digitalartheaven.com/. Don't forget your license! It must be legible on your tag.

Template: TTzSilentSpringTemp3 de Twyzted T's Playroom. Download here.

Scrapkit: Give Me Wings - Wicked Princess. Download here.

Mask: Trese Masks0485 de Trese. Download here.

Plugins: Penta.com, Unplugged Tools - Interlace, Eye Candy 4000 > Gradient Glow.

Fonts: Freestyle Script, Agency FB and Pixelette for the credits.

You can download my E-Book which will let you work without being connected

STEP 1 : Template and Mask

Drop Shadow: I used

V = 3

O = 40

H = 3

B = 3

Open the template and make copy. Work on the copy.
The template size is 736x534.
Increse its size to have 750x600.

Close Raster 9: the credots layer and open Raster 1.
add a layer and fill with a colour from your tubes: #7A528C.

Open Trese Masks0485. Masks > New > From image - OK. Then Masks > Delete. In PSP 8 and above, it's under Layers > New Mask Layer > From Image. OK then Layers > Delete

Raster 2 - Selections > Select All > Selections > Float > Selections > Defloat. Add a layer and fill with another colour from your tubes: #7A528C. Apply Unplugged Tools > Interlace

Delete the original layer. Selections > Select None. . 
Raster 3 - Selections > Select All > Selections > Float > Selections > Defloat. Add a layer and fill with another colour from your tubes: #7A528C. Apply penta.com > Dots and Crosses

Delete the original layer. Selections > Select None.

  Raster 11 Shadow 1 et Raster 11 - Leave as they are.

Raster 4 -  Selections > Select All > Selections > Float > Selections > Defloat. Add a layer and fill with #4C7A9E. Apply penta.com > Jeans

Delete the original layer. Selections > Select None.

Raster 12 Shadow 1 et Raster 12 - Leave as they are.

Raster 6 - Selections > Select All > Selections > Float > Selections > Defloat. Add a layer and fill wih #D3BBDF. Select WP_GMW_POND and copy paste in the selection. Apply penta.com > Color Dot

Delete the original layer. Selections > Select None.

Raster 8 Shadow 1 - Leave as is.

Raster 8 - Selections > Select All > Selections > Float > Selections > Defloat. Add a layer and fill with #7A528C. Apply Eye Candy > Gradient Glow


Delete the original layer. Selections > Select None.

Raster 7 Shadow 1 - Ne rien changer.

Raster 7 -  Selections > Select All > Selections > Float > Selections > Defloat. Add a layer and fill with 2 different colours: #7A528C et #4C7A9E.  Apply a 3D Effect > Inner Bevel

Delete the original layer. Selections > Select None.

Raster 5 - Selections > Select All > Selections > Float > Selections > Defloat. Add a layer and fill with #7A528C. Apply Eye Candy > Gradient Glow, same settings as before.
Delete the original layer. Selections > Select None.

 Raster 13 Shadow 1 et Raster 13 et Raster 10 Shadow 1 - Ne rien changer.

Raster 10 - Selections > Select All > Selections > Float > Selections > Defloat. Add a layer and fill with #7A528C. Apply Eye Candy > Gradient Glow, same settings as before.
Delete the original layer. Selections > Select None.

STEP 2: Tubes and scrapkit elements

WP_GMW_FAIRYHOME - 20% - colorize with #4C7A9E, Hue at 146 and Saturation at 90.
WP_GMW_SIGN - 55%. Keep just the plant, delete the sign at the top.
Add the flowers: WP_GMW_ROSE - 20% and WP_GMW_CAMILLIAFLOWER - 25% and coloriser with #7A528C, Hue at 199 and Saturation at 67.
WP_GMW_CANDLE - 40% and colorize with #7A528C, Hue at 199 and Saturation at 67.
WP_GMW_FLOWERBOW - 40% and colorize again with #7A528C, Hue at 199 and Saturation at 67.
WP_GMW_GLITTERBUTTERFLY - 12%. Colorize with #7A528C, Hue at 199 and Saturation at 67.
WP_GMW_BUTTERFLY3 - 12% and colorize like the other butterfly.

Add the 2 tubes.

STEP 3: Texts and Credits

Text 1: I believe in fairies with the Freestyle font, colour #7A528C. Write the word Fairies ina bigger size. Then with the Pen Tool > Draw Freehand, draw a couple of wings on the f of fairies. Apply the same Eye Candy > Gradient Glow.

Text 2: Add either mon text or that of your choice or your name with the Agency FB font, colour #7A528C. Same Gradient Glow.

Credits with the Pixelette font or any other pixels font.

30 avril 2015

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me