~*~ Happy Holidays ~*~
(Version française ICI)



 You can do pretty much what you like with your result: create signatures with name added, extras or stats, websets. Give all necessary credits and for the tutorial to:
Martine (link to http://chezmartine.com) for PSP 4 ALL (link to http://psp4all.com).

This pointing hand is here to help you. You can drag and drop it and use it as a marker to help with following the tutorial.

Tube of your choice, free or not, but the credit for the tube must be added to your tag. The tube I am using is © Gene Gonzales - www.genegonzales.com. If you use the same tube, you need a license that you can get here: CILM. And don't forget: you can only have one © on your tag

Template by Beth of Blissfully Beth - Link: Template 18 to download on her blog.

Scrapkit: Traditional Christmas - created by Bluey of Blue Dream Designs. Link: Part 1 for the flower Part 2 for the rest of th elements and papers.

Masque: by Vix PSP at http://www1.freewebs.com/vixpsp: - Vix_Christmas Mask 5 in the zipped file.

Pine Trees by Rainbow Coffi of PSP Playground. It's in the zipped file.

Free Filter: Van Der Lee's Snowflakes

 Police: Pixelette for your credits.

You can download my E-Book which will let you work without being connected.

Open Paint Shop Pro.

Click on the template. Best not to work on the original. Click on Shift and D to make a copy. Close the original.
Close the Credits layer at the top


Activate the Background layer and add a new layer. Fill with green: #3C6419 or a color of your choice. Delete the original background layer and rename your green layer: Background.


Add a new layer and fill with white. Apply your mask. Click on Masks > New > From Image - OK. Then Mask > Delete. In PSP 8 and more recent versions of PSP, go to Layers > New Mask Layer > From Image. OK. Then Delete.


Activate the lg white layer:  then Selections > Select All > Selections > Float > Selections > Defloat. Add a layer and fill with BD-Traditional Xmas Part2-Paper12. Delete the original layer and rename yours: lg white.
Add a Drop Shadow:
H = -2 et V = 2
Opacity = 50 and Blur =5.
I used the same Drop Shadow throughout.


Activate the dark gray layer:  then Selections > Select All > Selections > Float > Selections > Defloat. Add a layer and fill with BD-Traditional Xmas-Paper8. Delete the original layer and rename yours: dark gray
Apply a Drop Shadow:
H -2 and V = 2
Opacity = 50 and Blur =5.

Activate the white layer:  then Selections > Select All > Selections > Float > Selections > Defloat. Add a layer and fill with BD-Traditional Part2-Paper12. Delete the original layer and rename yours: white.

Add the same Drop Shadow:
H = -2 and V = 2
Opacity = 50 and Blur =5.


Activate the black layer:  I left mine black but you can color yours.


Stay on the black layer  - Selections > Select All > Selections > Float > Selections > Defloat and copy paste as a new layer the Rainbow Coffi tube. Selections > Invert and click on Delete.

STEP 8 - Snow

We will use Van Der Lee's Snowflakes plugin.
Merge visible all the layers and rename all layers: SnowFrame1, 2 ,3 and 4. Activate SnowFrame1.

Effects > Plugins > VanDerLee > Snowflakes:
25 , 0 , 20 , 100 , 0 - Basic Snow and Random Seed 0
Click on Okay.

Close SnowFrame1 and activate SnowFrame2. Apply the Snowflakes effect with the same settings but change the Random seed.
Click on Okay.

Close SnowFrame2 and activate SnowFrame3. Apply the Snowflakes effect with the same settings but change the Random seed.
Click on Okay..

Close SnowFrame3 and activate SnowFrame4. Apply the Snowflakes effect with the same settings but change the Random seed.
Click on Okay..

STEP 9 - Lights

Close SnowFrame2 ,3 et 4 and activate SnowFrame1.
I used BD-Traditional Xmas Part2-Lights2, resized to 65%. Place the lights at the top, on the left and duplicate this layer and position on the right. 
Use the Selection Lasso tool to delete what's not needed.
Close SnowFrame1 and merge visible the two Lights layer and rename Lights.
Make three copies of this Lights layer.

Re-open SnowFrame1 and a Lights layer and merge visible. Rename SnowFrame1.

Re-open SnowFrame2 and a Lights layer and merge visible. Rename SnowFrame2.

Re-open SnowFrame3 and a Lights layer and merge visible. Rename SnowFrame3.

Re-open SnowFrame4 and a Lights layer and merge visible. Rename SnowFrame4.

Close SnowFrames 2 , 3 , and 4 and activate SnowFrame1. Zoom in so you see the little bulbs clearly.
Use the magic want to select every other bulb, starting with the first bulb. Put the tolerance at 20 or so. Keep Shift down and select the whole bulb, clicking again and again. Move on to Bulb 3 and so on. Select one bulb out of 2. Make sure the whole bulb is selected. All the odd number bulbs should be selected.

Colors > Adjust > Brightness/Contrast or under Adjust > Brightness/Contrast and use the settings below for each layer. No effect on SnowFrame1. Close it.

SnowFrame2: Brightness = 10 Contrast = 25

SnowFrame3: Brightness = 20 Contrast = 25

SnowFrame4: Brightness = 30 Contrast = 25

Selections > Deselect All. Stay on Frame 4. This time select all the bulbs that were not selected before, every other one again but start on lightbulb2.

Then apply the Brightness/ Contrast. No effect on SnowFrame 4 this time. Close it.

SnowFrame3: Brightness = 20 Contrast = 10

SnowFrame2: Brightness = 30 Contrast = 10

SnowFrame1: Brightness = 40 Contrast = 10


Activate the tree layer:  then Selections > Select All > Selections > Float > Selections > Defloat. Add a layer and fill with BD-Traditional Xmas Part2-Paper12. Delete the original layer and rename yours: tree.
Select the tree with the lasso tool - draw the selection in the middle of the gold color and close it at the bottom of the tree.
Add a layer and fill with BD-Traditional Xmas Part2-Paper2 or a paper of your choice. Move this layer under the tree layer.
Selections > Deselect All.

STEP 11 - Elements and Tube

I have added some presents in different sizes, a red flower and a tube.
Apply the same Drop Shadow:
H = -2 and V = 20
Opacity= 50 and Blur=5.

STEP 12: Text

I used the text on the template: Happy Holidays. Recolor it red or a color of your choice. Keep selected the Selections > Modify > Expand by 2 pixels. Add a layer and fill with  BD-Traditional Xmas-Paper8. Apply the same Drop Shadow as before. Then selections > Deselect All.

STEP 13.

Close the 4  SnowFrame layers and merge visible the other layers. Rename Elements. Make 3 copies: Elements2 , Elements3 and Elements4.

Merge visible SnowFrame1 and Elements1. Rename Image1.

Merge visible SnowFrame2 and Elements2. Rename Image2.

Merge visible SnowFrame3 and Elements1. Rename Image3.

Merge visible SnowFrame4 and Elements1. Rename Image4.


Save one last time and resize your tag, all layers open, at 75% tu 85% of the original.
New layer and add your credits with a small font like Pixelette , Size6. Make 3 other copies and merge visible:

Image1 with a credit layer. Rename Image1.

Image2 with a credit layer. Rename Image2.

Image3 with a credit layer. Rename Image3.

Image4 with a credit layer. Rename Image4.


Save your 4 images and open in Animation Shop.

Click on the animation Wizard: Display Time of 10. Save as an optimized gif.

4 December 2008

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me