~*~ Back To School ~*~
(Version française ICI)


You can do pretty much what you like with your result: create signatures with name added, extras or stats, websets. Give all the credits that are required.

Tubes of your choice, free or not, but credit for them must be added to your tag. I used a tube ©Alex Prihodko - www.picsfordesign.com. Don't forget your license! It must be legible on your tag.

Scrapkit: Freebie de Juillet by Le Scrap De Joey. Free kit to download here.

Word Art: New WA challenge by Digidesign. Download here.

Fonts: Pixelette for the credits.

You can download my E-Book which will let you work without being connected

STEP 1: Elements and Tube

Drop Shadow: I used this, in black

V = 0

O = 75

H = 3

B = 10

Open an image 680x550. Fill with white.

joey_august_brush1 - 55%. At the top.

joey_august_splash - 53%. In the middle. Opacity at 45%.

joey_august_brush2 - 35%. Bottom right. Opacity at 57%.

joey_august_school - 35%. Left.

joey_august_cartable - 12%. Middle, towards your bottom.

joey_august_world - 12%. On the right. See tag.

joey_august_book - 10%. On the right. See tag.

joey_august_wa2 - 30%. Top.

joey_august_tag1 - 25%. Middle and on the right.

joey_august_clip2 - 10%. On top of the joey_august_tag1.

joey_august_circle2 - 7%. On the right.

joey_august_circle1 - 7%. On the right.

joey_august_wa1 - 30%. Bottom, left.

Add the tube, on the left.

- 15%. On the left.

STEP 2: Word Art and Credits

Word Art: msp_WA4freebie - 28%. Click on joey_august_brush1 and add at the bottom.
Apply Eye Candy > Gradient Glow


Add Drop Shadow:

V = 0

O = 75

H = 0

B = 1

Credits: with a font like Pixelette or any other small pixel font.

Save your work.

13 September 2017

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me