~*~ Thanksgiving Blessings ~*~
(Version française ICI)


You can do pretty much what you like with your result: create signatures with name added, extras or stats, websets. Give all the credits that are required and for the tut to:
Martine (link to http://chezmartine.com) for PSP 4 ALL (link to http://psp4all.com).

This pointing hand is here to help you. You can drag and drop it and use it as a marker to help with following the tutorial.

Tubes of your choice, free or not, but credit for them must be added to your tag. I used a tube ©Ken Morton - kenbears.co.uk, bought at CDO. Don't forget your license! It must be legible on your tag.

Scrapkit: Give Thanks, PTU now FTU by Amy on the site Amy & Leah's Gimptastic Tuts.
Download here.

Template: Thanksgiving Blessings (Chantal's Corner), creative template challenge available on the site The Creative Chicks. Download here.

Mask  WSL_Mask84, mask by Chelle at Weescotlass Creations. Download here.

Plugins: Eye Candy 4000 - Gradient Glow.

Fonts: Too Tight the text & Pixelette for the credits.

You can download my E-Book which will let you work without being connected

STEP 1: Template, Mask and Tube

Drop shadow: I used

V = 0

O = 60

H = 5

B = 5

Open the template. Duplicate and cclose the original. Resize to 85%. Then click on Image > Canvas Size

Fill Raster 1 with #571011.
Ajouter un calque et remplir avec #F66705.
Open Chelle's mask WSm_Mask84 and apply. Then delete the mask.
Duplicate this mask layer.

Raster 2 - Selections > Select All. Selections > Float. Selections > Defloat. Close the original and select Paper10. Resize it to 75%. Edit > Paste Paper10 as New Layer. Selections > Invert. Delete. Select None.
Copy of Vector 1 - Apply Eye Candy 4000 > Gradient Glow.


Raster 5 - As for Raster 2 but use Paper9.
Copy of Vector3 - Apply Eye Candy 4000 > Gradient Glow.
Raster 6 - As for Raster 2 but use Paper3 and do not resize it.
Copy of Vector1 - Apply Eye Candy 4000 > Gradient Glow.
Raster 3 - As for Raster 2 but use Paper1, resize this time.
Raster 7 - As for Raster 2 but use and use Paper4, 75%.
Copy of Vector2 - Apply Eye Candy 4000 > Gradient Glow.
Close Raster4 and Copy of Raster4. And also the Credits layer, higher up.

Brad - In the middle of Raster7.
Branch - 70%. Bottom, right.
Pumpkin - 50%. Bottom, left.
Duplicate and resize to 75%. On the left.
Duplicate and resize to 75%. On the right.
Leaf1 - 70%. Top.
Leaf3 - 70%. Top. Rotate right 90°.
Flower3 - 40%. Top.
Leaf2 - 50%. Top.
Flower2 - 50%. Top.
Flower1 - 40%. Top.
Feast - 75%. En haut et à droite.
Harvest - 75%. Top right.
Food - 75%. Right.
Thanks - 75%. Top left.
Flower2 - 50%. Top.

Raster10 - Selections > Selectionner All. Selections > Float. Selections > Defloat. Add a layer and fill with #FFFFFF. Close the original et Selections > Ne rien sélectionner.
Raster8 - As for Raster10 but with #E55200. Close the original. Selections > Select None.
Raster11 -  As for Raster10 but with #F8B300.
Raster9 - As for Raster10 but with #FFFFFF. Close the original. Selections > Select None.

Candle - 40%. Bottom, middle. 
Acorn - 15%. Make 2 other copies and rotate them. 
Owl - 25%. Bottom, on the branch.

Add the tube, on the left.

STEP 2: Text and Credits

Text: Hello or the text of your choice with the font Too Tight, colour #571011.

Crédits : with the Pixelette font or any other small pixel font.

Save your work.

11 November 2016

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me .