You can do pretty much what you like with your result: create signatures with name added, extras or stats, websets.
The other tubes by Rainbow Coffi at PSP Playground: a free, members-only forum. The tubes I used are in the zipped file. Winter Word Art By Lori at Free plugin: VanDerLee's Snowflakes My template in the zipped file. Fonts: Pixelette for the credits and Snow Caps for the name. Supplies: ![]() You can download my E-Book which will let you work without being connected. ![]() Open the Template in PSP. Click on Shift and letter D on your keyboard to make a copy. Close the original. Close the Info layer right at the top on the Layer Palette. STEP 1 Rectangle - Click on the Rectangle layer : then Selections > Select All > Selections > Float > Selections > Defloat Add a layer and fill with a colour picked from your tube. I used a blue colour #2A83B5. Selections > Modify > Contract by 2 and click on Delete. STEP 2 Click inside the rectangle with the magic wand and fill with a sky colour. I used #C7E9FD. Gardez la sélection et cliquez sur le tube Nuages de Rainbow Coffi - un de votre choix. Tout déselectionner. Add Lori's WordArt and apply a drop shadow. V & H =2; O=50 & F=5 Delete the Rectangle layer under yours. STEP 3 Dotted Border around the rectangle - Selections > Select All > Select > Float > Selections > Defloat. Add a layer and fill with a colour of your choice. I used the same blue as before: #2A83B5. Deselect All and delete the Dotted Border layer under yours. STEP 4 Circle - Selections > Select All > Selections > Select All > Select > Float > Selections > Defloat. Add a layer and fill with a sky colour of your choice - mine is #C7E9FD. Keep selected. Add Rainbow Coffi's Trees: V~WinterTrees. I used the tree on the right. I made three copies of different sizes and arrange them in my circle. See my result above. Add Rainbow Coffi's V~snowback and slide this layer under the Trees layer. And finally the Rainbow Coffi's snowmen. To remove what's outside the circle, click on Selections > Invert > the position yourself on each layer in turns and click on Delete: V~Snowback, Trees then Snowmen.. Delete the Circle layer under yours. STEP 5 Close the Background, Rectangle, Rectangle Dotted Border layers and then merge visible all the layers of Step 4: Sky, V~Snowback, Trees and Snwomen. Rename this layer: Snow. Make 4 copies of this layer so you have Snow 1; Snow 2; Snow 3; Snow 4; Snow 5 STEP : Snow Snow 1 - Click on Snow 1and close all 4 other snow layers. Selections > Select All > Selections > Float > Defloat. Then Effects > Plugins > VanDerLee > Snowflakes.
OK. Keep selected. Close the Snow 1 layer and open Snow 2 layer. Apply the same Snow effect but change the Random seed. And you do the same for Snow 3, Snow 4 and Snow 5. Deselect All. STEP 8 Scallop Border - Selections > Select All > Selections > Select All > Select > Float > Selections > Defloat. Add a layer and fill with a colour of your choice . I used #2A83B5. Deselect All. Delete the Scallop Border layer under yours. STEP 8 Tube of your choice. Apply a dop shadow: V = -2 & H = 0; O=65 & B=5 Resize your work to 80% of the original size or less. STEP 9 Text/ Name & Credits. Add your name using the Snowcap font. I used the same blue colour #2A83B5. Keep selected > Modify > Expand by 2 > Add a layer > Fill with white and move under the text layer. Add a drop shadow: V & H = 2; O=40 & B = 3 And repeat: V =-2 & H = 0; O = 40 & B = 3 Add all other credits using Pixelette size 6, antialias unchecked. STEP 10 - Animation Open all the layers except Snow 2, Snow 3, Snow 4 and Snow 5. Merge visible and copy paste in Animation Shop. Go back to PSP, click on the Undo arrow at the top and close layer Snow 1. Open layer Snow 2. Merge visible and copy paste in AS after the first frame. Go back to PSP and repeat for Snow 3, Snow 4 and Snow 5 that you then copy paste in AS after the Current Frame. You should have 5 frames in your AS animation. Martine 12 January 2009 If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me ![]() ![]() |