~*~ Autumn ~*~
(Version française ici)



This pointing hand is here to help you.
You can drag and drop it and use it as a marker to help with following the tutorial.

Tube(s) of your  choice, free or not but the credit for all the tubes must be added to your tag. I used 2 tubes ©Olga - OliArtStudioShop.etsy.com

  • Plugins
    Mehdi : Sorting Tiles
    VM Distortion > Circulator
    Mura's Meister > Copies
    AAA Frames > Foto Frame
    AFS Import > Sqborder2
  • Masks: NarahsMasks_1338 and NarahsMasks_1641. Mask 20/20 - Download here.

  • My selections: Download here.
  • Place in the Selections folder of your PSP.

  • Image Scenery: Download ici or use mine with mask already applied here.

  • Polices: Algerian, French Script, Cooper Black for the texts and Pixelette for the credits.


Open an image #8E2A02 size 800x500.

Make a gradient with 2 colours from your tube. I used #8E2A02 et #F9B267, click on Linear, with the angle on 0 and Repeat on 4.

Add a layer and fill with your gradient. Apply Mehdi Sorting Tiles

Effects > Edge Effects > Enhance.

Effects > Image Effects > Seamless Tile


On the copy, Adjust > Blur > Gaussian Blur - radius 40.

Layers > New Mask Layer > From Image and choose NarahsMasks_1338.

Click on OK.

Layers > Merge Group.

New layer. Fill with #ECDFCD.

Layers > New Mask Layer > From Image and choose NarahsMasks_1641.

Click on OK.

Layers > Merge Group.

Set this layer on Soft Light.

Effects > Edge Effects > Enhance More.


Merge > Merge Down.

Merge > Merge Down (the 2 masks layers).

In your Layers Palette, you have 3 layers: at the bottom, the colour layer #8E2A02; the middle layer is the one you filled with the gradient and then, the top 3rd one is the "2 Masks merged" layer.

STEP 2 - Selections and Tubes

Add a layer. Selections > Load/Save Selection > Load Selection From disk. Choose PSP4ALL_MF_Autumn21_1.PspSelection

Fill the marching ants with #EBE4D9.

Selections > Select None.

Add a layer. Selections > Load/Save Selection > Load Selection From disk. Choose PSP4ALL_MF_Autumn21_2.PspSelection.

Fill the marching ants with #EBE4D9.

Selections > Select None.

Add a layer. Selections > Load/Save Selection > Load Selection From disk. Choose PSP4ALL_MF_Autumn21_3.PspSelection.

Remplir avec #EBE4D9.

Click inside the rectangle with the Magic Wand.

Add a layer. Open the Scenery image you want to use. Apply mask 20/20. If you use my image, supplied, it is ready to use - I have applied the mask to it.

Edit > Copy.

Then on your work, Edit > Paste Into Selection.

Selections > Select None.

Add the tubes. Drop Shadow = 0, 5, 75, 25.

STEP 3 - Deco

Back to the layers at the bottom of the pile
. Click on the layer on top of the background #8E2A02, the one with the gradient.

Apply VM Distortion > Circulator

Layers > Arrange > Bring to Top

Move to the right.

Apply Mura's Meister > Copies

Objects > Align > Vertical Center.

Duplicate > Image > Mirror.

STEP 4 - Border, Text and Credits

: Edit > Copy Special > Copy Merged.

Edit > Paste as New Layer.

Apply AAA Frames > Foto Frame.


Then [AFS Import] > sqborder2

Close all the layers which are under.

Text: mine or one of your choice.

Gnomes with Algerian font, colour #ebe4d9.

Definition with French Script, same colour.

Happy Fall Y'All
with Cooper black, same colour.

: with a small pixel font like Pixelette or one of your choice.


9 August 2021

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me