~*~ Back To School ~*~
(Version française ici)



This pointing hand is here to help you.
You can drag and drop it and use it as a marker to help with following the tutorial.

Tube(s) of your  choice, free or not but the credit for all the tubes must be added to your tag. I use a tube ©Nikky Hall - www.polkadoodles.co.uk.
  • Scrapkits: School Fun & School freebie by Cintia at Dhariana Scraps.

  • Plugins
    DCspecial : Book
    Filters Unlimited : Paper Textures > Papyrus
    DCspecial : Book
    penta.com : VTR2

  • My Selections: PSP4ALL_MF_MF_BTS20_1.PspSelection. Download here.
    Unzip and place in the Selections folder of your PSP.

  • Fonts: PWSchoolScript for the text & Pixelettette for the credits.


Open an image 851x315 and fill with #FEF0E2.

Apply DCspecial > Book - default configuration.

Apply FU > Paper Textures > Papyrus - default configuration.

Add your tube on the left.

STEP 2 - The 2 frames

Add a layer. Selections > Load/Save Selection > Load Selection From disk. Choose PSP4ALL_MF_BTS20_1.PspSelection

Fill with black. Selections > Modify > Contract 3 pixels. Click on Delete.

Add a layer and fill with #FEF0E2.

Layers > Merge down.

Selections > Select None.

Layers > Duplicate. Place the copy on the right.

Back on the frame on the left. Click inside with the magic wand.

Then add a portion of your tube as a new layer. I chose the head. Selections > Invert. Click on Delete to remove what's outside the frame.

Layers > Merge down.

Selections > Select None

Appliy penta.com > VTR2 - default configuration.

Frame on the right. Select inside with the magic wand.

Then add a different view of your tube as a new layer. Selections > Invert. Click on Delete to remove what's outside the frame.

Layers > Merge down.

Selections > Select None.

Appliy penta.com > VTR2 - default configuration

STEP 3 - Elements

dhariana_school_el (42) - 9%. Rotate left 45°.

dhariana_school_fun (5) - 5%.

dhariana_school_fun (8) - 6%.

dhariana_school_el (7) - 6%.  Rotate right 90°.

dhariana_school_el (14) - 6%.

dhariana_school_fun (2) - 8%. Rotate right 30°.

dhariana_school_el (2) - 6%. Rotate right 90°.

dhariana_school_el (41) - 6%.

dhariana_school_fun (3) - 9%. Rotate right 90°.

dhariana_school_el (31) - 6%

dhariana_school_el (46) - 6%. Rotate left 90°.

dhariana_school_fun (12) - 11%.

Duplicate. Layers > Merge down.

dhariana_school_el (21) - 32%. Duplicate to have 5 in all.

STEP 4 - Text. Credits and Border

Text: Back to School with the font PWSchoolScript in black.

Credits: with a small pixel font like Pixelette or any other small font.

Border: Add a layer. Fill with black. Selections > Modify > Contract 2 pixels.

Selections > Select None   


9 September 2020

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me