~*~ Halloween: Witch and Dragon ~*~
(Version française ici)



This pointing hand is here to help you.
You can drag and drop it and use it as a marker to help with following the tutorial.

Tube(s) of your  choice, free or not but the credit for all the tubes must be added to your tag. I use a tube ©Nikky Hall - www.polkadoodles.co.uk.
  • Plugins
    Mehdi: WavyLab 1.1
    Simple: Top Left Mirror
    L&K landksiteofwonders: Frederik
    Eye Candy 4000: Gradient Glow

  • Mask: Narah_Mask_1391 et Narah_Mask_1392. A télécharger ici.

  • Fonts: Aachen Vertical and Skull And Void for the text & Pixelette for the credits.


My colours

Open an image #FFFFFF 851x315.

Apply Mehdi WavyLab 1.1

Adjust > Blur> Gaussian Blur

Simple > Top Left Mirror.

Distortion Effects > Spiky Halo

55b87dAppy L&K landksiteofwonders > Frederik

STEP 2 - The 2 masks and the tube

Masks - Add a layer and right click to fill with the background colour #b669ac.

Layers > New Mask Layer > From Image and choose Narah_Mask_1391.

Click on OK.

Layers > Merge Group

Dupliquer ce calque.

Add a layer and left click to fill with the foreground colour #55b87d.

Layers > New Mask Layer > From Image and choose Narah_Mask_1392.

Click on OK.

Layers > Merge Group.

Tube. Add your tube on the left.

Duplicate. Apply Gaussian Blur 5% on the copy. Change the blend mode to Overlay

Click on the original and apply a Drop Shadow: 3, 3, 55, 10 in noir

Add a smaller version of the tube on the right. Reduce opacity to 30.

STEP 3 - Text

I chose to write these 3 words: Witches, Brooms and Tricks with the font Skull And Void, in different colours.

On each word, I applied this Gradient Glow: Medium in noir. Glow Width at 3.12.


With the font Aachen, in noir, write Halloween

Then draw a rectangle around the text with the Selection tool. Add a layer and right click to fill with the background colour #b669ac.

Selections > Modify and contract 2 pixels.

Selections > Select None.

Apply the same Gradient Glow > Medium in noir.

STEP 4 - Border

 Add a layer and right click to fill with the background colou #b669ac.

Selections > Select All. Selections > Contract 6 pixels. Delete.

Left click to fill with the foreground colour #55b87d.

Selections > Contract 2 pixels. Delete.

Selections > Select None.

Apply Eye Candy > Gradient Glow, Thin, White and set the Glow width on 10.

STEP 5 - Credits

with a small pixel font like Pixelette or any other small font.


29 September 2020

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me