~*~ Wine Friends ~*~
(Version française ici)



This pointing hand is here to help you.
You can drag and drop it and use it as a marker to help with following the tutorial.

Tube(s) of your  choice, free or not but the credit for all the tubes must be added to your tag. I use a tube ©Jan Mahew - www.janmahew.com.

  • Plugins
    Mehdi : Wavy Lab; Sorting Tiles
    Filters Unlimited > Deformation : Alias Blur
    It@lian Editors Effects : Effetto Fantasma
    Carolaine & Sensibility : CS_Halloween2
    Mura's Meister : Perspective Tiling
    Border Mania : Instant Button #2

  • My elements come with my tube. You can use elements of your choice or those in this zip. Download here

  • Font: Pixelette for the credits.

STEP 1 - Background 1

Open an image couleur #FFFFFF, 800x500.

Foreground = #E5CBE3 and Background = #A669A9.

Apply Mehdi Wavy Lab.

Appliquer Mehdi Sorting Tiles

 Appliquer Filters Unlimited > Deformation > Alias Blur

Effets > Edge Effects > Enhance.

Duplicate. Rename the original layer Background 1. And the copy, Background 2.

Close Background 2.

Apply It@lian Editors Effects > Effetto Fantasma

Carolaine & Sensibility > CS_Halloween2

STEP 2 - Background 2

Activate Background 2.

Effects > Image Effects > Seamless Tiling

. Sharpness > Sharpen More.

Mura's Meister
> Perspective Tiling.

Eye Candy 4000 > Gradient Glow


STEP 3 - Elements
and Tube

I added a bottle of wine and some corks.

Drop shadow
on these 2 elements= -3, 5, 60, 15

Tube in the middle. Drop shadow= 10, 10, 60, 15

Small Frames: Open a new image 75 x75 pixels.

Fill with white.

Selections > Select All. Selections > Modify > Contract 12 pixels.

Click on Delete.

Fill with #8083B9.

Apply Border Mania > Instant Button #2.

Selections > Select None.

Drop shadow= 1, 1, 100, 15

Duplicate to have 5 frames in all.

Arrange these 5 frames around your tube - see my tag or to your taste.

STEP 4 - Border, Text and Credits

: Add a layer and fill with #A669A9.

Selections > Select All. Selections > Modify > Contract 2 pixels.

Click on Delete.

Fill with #FFFFFF.

Selections > Modify > Contract 18 pixels.

Click on Delete.

Fill with #A669A9.

Sélections > Modifier > Contracter 12 pixels.

Click on Delete.

Fill with #FFFFFF.

Sélections > Modifier > Contracter 12 pixels.

Click on Delete.

Selections > Select None.

Text: Mine or one of your choice.

Apply the same Gradient Glow.

Then Drop Shadow: -3, 5, 60,15.

: with a small pixel font like Pixelette or one of your choice.


27 Juillet 2021

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me