~*~ Winter ~*~
(Version française ici)



This pointing hand is here to help you.
You can drag and drop it and use it as a marker to help with following the tutorial.

Tube(s) of your  choice, free or not but the credit for all the tubes must be added to your tag. I use a tube ©PinUp Toons - www.pinuptoons.com, with a license from CDO.
  • Plugins

    Mehdi:  Sorting Tiles & Perspective Tiling.
    &<Bkg Designer sf10I: ALFs Border Mirror Bevel.
    L en K Landksiteofwonders: L en K's Raisa & L en K's Zitah.
    VDL Adrenaline: Snowflakes.

  • My selections to download here. Unzip and place in the Selections folder of your PSP.

  • Masks - Narah_Mask_0948 and Narah_Mask_1254. Download here.

  • Fonts: Impact for the text; Pixelette for the credits.


Open an image 650x300.

 I used colours from my tube: #3E5D7F in Foreground and #BACADE in Background.

Fill with a gradient of your 2 colours - Angle at 45° and Repeat on 5.

Effects > Defined Filter > Mehdi > Sorting Tiles

Effects > Defined Filter > Filters Unlimited &<Bkg Designer sf10I > ALFs Border Mirror Bevel

Effects > Defined Filter > L en K landksiteofwonders > L en K's Raisa


Add a layer and fill with white.

Layers > New Mask Layer > From Image and select Narah_Mask_0948.

Click on OK.

Layers  > Merge > Merge group.

Add a layer and fill with your foreground colour #3E5D7F.

Layers > New Mask Layer > From Image and select Narah_Mask_1254.

Click on OK.

Layers  > Merge > Merge group.

Layers > Merge > Merge Visible.


Effects > Defined Filter > L en K landksiteofwonders > L en K's Zitah twice.

Duplicate this layer.

Effects > Defined Filter > Mura's Meister > Perspective Tiling

Effects > Defined Filter > Eye Candy 5 > Nature > Snow Drift

Add the tube on the right.

Add a Drop Shadow - 4, 4, 70, 7.


Edit > Copy Special > Copy Merged.

Click on Selections > Load/ Save Selection > Load Selection from Disk.

Select PSP4ALL_MF_Winter_mf20.

Layers > Convert to Raster Layer.

Fill with the Foreground colour #3E5D7F.

Selections > Select All. Selections > Modify > Contract by 2 pixels. Click on Delete.

Fill with white and Selections > Modify > Contract by 4 pixels. Click on Delete.

Fill with the Foreground colour #3E5D7F. Selections > Modify  > Contract by 2 pixels. Click on Delete.

Keep selected. Add a layer. Edit > Paste Into Selection.

Selections > Select None.

Put your Foreground color #3E5D7F as Background and white as your Foreground colour.

Choose Impact as your font and write WINTER or your own text - Anti alias on Sharp and Create as Vector.

Convert to Raster Layer.

Layers > Merger > Merge Down.

And you should see something like this

STEP 5 - Snow

Sélections > Sélectionner > Sélections > Flottante > Sélections > Statique.

Add a layer and rename S1. Effects > Defined Filter > VDL Adrenaline > Snowflakes.

Add a layer and rename S2. Apply VDL Adrenaline > SnowflakesChange Random Seed to 2000.

Add a layer and rename S1. Apply VDL Adrenaline > Snowflakes. Change Random Seed to 5000.

Add a layer and rename S1. Apply VDL Adrenaline > SnowflakesChange Random Seed to 8000.

Selections > Select None.

Close S1, S2, S3, S4.

STEP 6 - Credits

with a small pixel font like Pixelette or any other small font.

STEP 7 - Bordure

Add a layer and fill with #3E5D7F. Selections > Modify > Contract by 2 pixels. Click on Delete.

Fill with white and Selections > Modify > Contract by 5 pixels. Click on Delete.

Remplir avec #3E5D7F and Sélections > Modify > Contract by 2 pixels. Click on Delete.

Selections > Select None.

STEP 8 - Animation

Open S1. Edit > Copy Special. Copy Merged.

Open Animation Shop and Edit > Paste As New Animation.

Back to PSP - Close S1.

Open S2. Edit > Copy Special. Copy Merged.

In Animation Shop, click on Edit > Paste After Current Frame.

Back to PSP - Close S2.

Open S3 - Edit > Copy Special. Copy Merged.

In Animation Shop, click on Edit > Paste After Current Frame.

Back to PSP - Close S3.

Open S4 - Edit > Copy Special. Copy Merged.

In Animation Shop, click on Edit > Paste After Current Frame.

View your animation and adjust the speed if necessary.

Save as a gif!


20 January 2020

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me